Hasil gambar untuk gigtricks.TOKEN

Reports have shown that freelance and on-demand economics are less standardized principles to form trusting business relationships between clients and freelancers. This problem can be solved through GigTricks as it seeks to build blockchain based ecosystems to increase transparency, trust and reliability among platform participants: ie, clients and freelancers. Every action, including reviews and skill rankings, will be verified by platform participants in unchanged blockchain and thus, nothing can be forged within the ecosystem. The main goal of GigTricks is to create the first freelance 3600 (degree) and ecosystem on demand that will be trusted by millions of people. Finally,


GigTricks Limited is privately owned company limited by shares and incorporated in Gibraltar under the Companies Act 2014 and has registration number 117112. Gibraltar was chosen to make due to the knowledge that this authority is confidential.

Someone runs a GigTricks company. The functions of these directors shall be responsible for the operations of the company and to monitor the Company’s operations on a daily basis. The Director exercises its rights in accordance with the Company’s provisions and its obligations to the Company. They are authorized to perform all necessary or useful actions to manage and control the company’s business and GigTricks platform development.

MISSION GIGTRICKS: GigTricks Company is looking to make a complete repair version of the freelance platform now, the future is likely to provide many opportunities, minimize risks and create winning scripts for all involved. GigTricks has a vision of where they plan to come true. This vision can be realized because it creates a cheap and accessible platform that will benefit many countries!


The GigTricks ecosystem architecture has been designed to be highly scalable to ensure flexibility. This means that freelancers will be able to sell / market their products and / or services online or offline as part of the ecosystem. For example, a digital marketer can develop and deliver courses or sell products or services based on GigTricks online or offline (ie direct). The freelancers who can then receive payments via GigTricks cryptographic cards are named Gigbit cards (GBTC).


Smart Contract
Security of Transactions With ethereum
Interflowing Reviews
Rating Skills Verified
Intellectual Asset Protection


GBTC = $ 0.248


GIgBit Notification (GBTC) is based on the ER20 format and works on the Ethereum network as it will make it easily accepted by communities and markets. Cards based on Ethereum are a good solution for regular payments above small amounts like $ 0,0001. GigTicks will use GigBit credit for micropayment to be more efficient. Gigbit credits can not be traded. They will be released by platform and can only be converted to gigBit card. Gigbit credits can not be sent from one user to another, or outside the platform.



Hasil gambar untuk gigtricks.TOKEN


Hasil gambar untuk gigtricks.TOKEN
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ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127C12E

BUDDY Ico Review – это децентрализованная автоматизация разработки приложений

Представляем Бадди Ико

Привет, хороший день, я расскажу об этом большом многообещающем проекте в этом году. Вы слышали о проекте Buddy? Если нет, я рад передать его всегодня. Но сначала позвольте мне задать вам вопрос. Вы знакомы с программой Photoshop? Если да, использовали ли вы когда-либо «действие»? Каждый раз, когда мы используем действие в Photoshop, мы не тратим наше время на повторение тех же шагов для достижения эффекта, вместо этого мы нажимаем кнопку действия и автоматически выполняем ранее записанную команду. Это упрощает нашу жизнь и экономит наше время. Проект Buddy имеет аналогичные действия для разработчиков программного обеспечения и многое другое.

Этот проект является платформой для автоматизации разработки (DevOps). Рынок автоматизации быстро растет, его оборот достигнет 345 миллиардов долларов к 2022 году. Задача Бадди – облегчить жизнь другим разработчикам программного обеспечения, автоматизируя все рутинные задачи. Это даст программистам возможность реализовать свой творческий потенциал и позволит им сосредоточиться на идеях, которые могут изменить мир.

Buddy – платформа для развертывания и автоматизации. Это облегчает принятие DevOps и имеет открытую экосистему, поддерживая весь код. К ним относятся 4 основных состава: трубопроводы (линии автоматического производства программного обеспечения), песочница (тест износа и автоматический предварительный просмотр), контроль версий и интеграция с множественным масштабированием.

Каков пример автоматического действия?

Например, действие DevOps позволяет пользователю запускать Buddy для сохранения результатов пользователя в файловой системе конвейера. Или действия по защите авторских прав добавляют к вашему изображению невидимые водяные знаки. Но каждый может подать свои собственные действия на платформу.

Каковы решения для бизнеса и преимуществ проекта,

DevOps Marketplace (рыночные действия, установленные в трубопровод)

Частная автоматизация GRID (частная сеть экземпляров Buddy)

Общая GRID-сеть (задача, которую должны выполнять пользователи с доступными ресурсами)

Ваш разработчик планирует стать лидером в области автоматизации разработки по следующим причинам:

Их продукция может значительно сократить время разработки и успешно выполнить возложенные на нее задачи;

Благодаря наличию независимой версии платформы для бизнеса под названием Perusahaan Buddy, которая позволяет каждый момент начинать разработку;

Поддержка таких гигантских компаний, как Google, GitHub, Docker, Microsoft и Amazon;

Наличие проверенной «полевой» команды из 16 разработчиков, которые работали и инвестировали вместе на протяжении многих лет.

Многие компании ежедневно проводят тысячи тестов. Очень сложно планировать работу программы автоматизации, потому что для ускорения разработки требуется несколько тестов одновременно. Кроме того, программа очень дорогая и требует постоянной поддержки.

Детали Ico и теги

Планируется продать не более 470 миллионов стандартных токенов erc20 BUD по цене 1 BUD за 0,0002 ETH. Это 60% от общего количества токенов. Продажи прекратятся до 60 000 ETH.

ICO будет разделена на несколько этапов две недели. Варемени покупки покупатель получит определенный бонусный токен:

1-14 августа – первый этап, на котором будет продано 62,5 млн. БУД с 25-процентным бонусом;

15-29 августа – второй этап, будет продаваться 60 миллионов BUD, бонус составит 20%;

30 августа – 13 сентября – на третьем этапе планируется продать 57,5 ​​млн. Токенов, 15% бонус;

14-29 сентября – пройдя четвертый этап, продаст 55 миллионов BUD c бонус 10%;

30 сентября – 14 октября – пятый этап, 52,5 млн. BUD с 5% бонусом;

15 октября – 29 октября – последний этап, в котором 50 миллионов токенов будут проданы без бонусов.

Токен будет распределен следующим образом: 60% будут проданы, 20% будут взяты командой, 15% будут предоставлены в резерв, 4% пойдут на благотворительную кампанию, консультанты и юристы, 1% – в Airdrop

Проект дорожной карты

Разработка платформы началась в третьем квартале 2016 года. С тех пор была запущена платформа для компании, которая регулярно получает обновления. После ICO разработка модуля BlockchainOps будет завершена к концу 2018 года. Планируется, что в 2019 году будут разработаны и запущены следующие модули: Otomasi Grid, DevOps Marketplace, Distributed blockchain, dAppOS и Shared Automation GRID.

Члены команды

Заключение проекта

Бадди успешно получил поддержку от всемирно известных компаний. Модуль, запущенный для компании, также говорит за него. Если мы добавим этот близкий опыт работы в команде, мы получим многообещающий проект, который, безусловно, потребуют инвесторы. ICO началось в августе, поэтому инвесторы все еще успевают купить монеты с платформы с 25% бонусом.

Подробнее об этом проекте:

CGCX – First Hybrid Encryption in Singapore

The CGCX project based in Singapore (Calfin Global Crypto Exchange) recently announced pre-sales. The first hybrid encryption platform to be insured in Singapore. Complex, sophisticated yet easy to use hybrid exchange. Unlike other Crypto Exchange, which only processes transactions between Crypto to Crypto or Crypto, CGCX provides four platforms. Exchange encryption, ICO platforms, smart contracts, and merchant solutions.
The CGCX Token is a utility token in the CGCX ecosystem. Generated in ethernal block chain using smart contract. This can be used to facilitate all transactions within the CGCX platform. CGCX will also release a CGCX wallet that can be used to store CGCX tokens and other Crypto calls.
Exchange users can purchase key encryption with Fiat and vice versa, and also exchange passwords with encryption. This platform is available in basic and advanced mode, suitable for end users, traders and institutional users. By using CGCX tokens to conduct transactions, users can receive 50% discount on transaction fees. This feature is also available on Android and iOS.
ICO Platform
CGCX is also a platform that lists ICO. A user with a CGCX token has the right to vote on an ICO that subscribes to CGCX Exchange. At the end of a successful polling session, the CGCX team reviewed and validated the results during the operation. 50% of votes collected will be used to protect the platform from cyber attacks.
Smart Contract
Digitize assets such as trade agreements and bank products. This helps you reduce transaction costs while minimizing risk to your opponent and increasing transaction speed. All assets are represented by CGCX tokens.


the CGCX Solutions Merchant payment platform, merchants can allow cryptocurrency in payment mode on the PoC system. Merchants who operate ecommerce stores can use this feature because they provide many currency and KYC conversions. On the other hand, buyers can take advantage of discount programs, promotions, and loyalty. Using CGCX tokens, buyers and sellers can benefit from lower transaction costs.

Token Economics



2017 July: Establish ideas and introduce partners
September 2017: Start project development
2018 January: Legal, marketing, and consulting engagement. SAFT – Completed in 3 days
2018 March: This site launches, generates token code and bonus programs
May 2018: Presale (May 1 – May 15), Beta Test on Exchange Platform, Main Sales (June 1 – June 30), Exchange Launch, Mobile App, Wallet
2018 July: ICO launch platform: voting machine
2018 September: Launch smart contract
2019 January: Launch of Commerce Solutions, Integrated with Ecommerce & POS

2019 March: loyalty program

Project details:



author : damar
profilelink :;u=1764605
ETH :  0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127C12E

Overview of ICO ShipIt platform


In the shipping industry there is always a problem with communication. Even major shipping companies, such as the US Postal Service and FedEx, have been criticized for their relative failure in efficiency with respect to messages from senders and recipients.

Tracking numbers are part of a system that continues to disrupt a complex user base, many consumers note that the tracking systems installed by their favorite companies are ineffective and inconvenient.

It is possible that the crypto-currency technology in the blockade can serve to revive this debris industry. The power of the block circuit provides an unchanged communication and storage path of information for both the sender and the receiver of the packet. In addition, global crypto currency integration can eliminate transaction and conversion costs, which further complicates traditional global delivery processes.

What is ShipIt?
Shipit is one of the earliest coin offerings that seek to explore this possibility with its own block-based solution to resolve issues related to the delivery process in the status quo. The company seeks to integrate smart contracts to meet billions of shipping orders annually without the intervention required by most companies to ship packages.

Now Shipit offers consumers the opportunity to participate in their projects by creating their original coin offerings. This review will explain the reality behind Shipit, an important function that facilitates their fundraising, and the prospects for the long-term future of this exciting pilot company.

How ShipIt Blockchain Shipping makes money for travel?
Shipit serves as a simple courier service, but with decentralized turns. The founders of this site tell how they used the growing blockchain technology that said it would be “the first such application” that could use “smart contracting and locking” as a tool to make sender and recipient’s life easier than ever. previous.

This app works like any other service, but with two big changes.

First, the currency used in the app is Shipit token. This chip, the same chip sold in crowdfunding campaigns, will be used to send and receive packages related to regular collections, which will be evaluated according to the traditional paradigm of navigation. The Company believes that the use of the central currency will greatly reduce shipping costs, especially when the package will be shipped to other countries.

Secondly, Shipit uses smart contracts to facilitate transactions with transparency and impartiality. Although it is unclear on their ICO site exactly how they plan to conduct intelligent transaction-based transaction checks, smart contracts usually work by performing and verifying interactions (sending and receiving) after certain parameters are met.

ICO SHIP ID number
Consumers seeking the latest information on Shipit’s initial placement of coins should check the company’s technical documents, but in connection with key facts, potential investors should be aware that the company is currently in private sales from the fundraising campaign, and more $ 300,000 attracted by ten holders token.

Personal sales will continue until the end of June 30, 2018. At this point, the company will introduce a pre-sale section of the process.

Investors should study the method of payment of token characters and other important factors that can be changed, as the company and its strategy grow.

Detailed information:


author: damar
ETH:  0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127C12E




Bettium is a global decentralized platform enabling users to bet on sporting events against each other, each using big data and established experts to improve forecasts and strategy. Traditional sites pit the bettor against a classical bookmaker, an entity disinterested in the player’s success. Bettium provides direct access to AI, Big Data and powerful analytical tools to help the bettor make smart conclusions and smart bets against peers.
The Bettium gaming space is professional, transparent, and fair to all users, both professional and amateur.


A fully decentralized platform, Bettium resolves all the challenges that have plagued traditional betting systems. The platform provides a transparent and safe betting system, completely protected from manipulation by players, third parties, and the bookmaker himself. P2P betting is by its nature fair and self-regulating: with odds and terms determined by users themselves, there can be no manipulation to cover fees or boost margins. Built-in AI and Big Data capabilities will allow players to develop their own forecasting strategies and combine them with algorithmic capabilities available on the platform. Bettium will also provide access to the statistics and forecasts of successful players, experts and analysts.
Betting and settlement operations take place exclusively through BETT Tokens, which can be bought and sold on an internal exchange. Tokens thus will continue to have intrinsic value long aſter speculators have leſt the market.
Decentralization ensures that the system will be available worldwide, practically immune to shutdown, and free from third-party interference. Under a system of oracles and smart contracts, winnings will be paid instantly and automatically, without the involvement of bookmakers, operators, or any bank/platform that might impede the process.
All users will have access to professional analytical tools and a comprehensive database on players, teams, matches, and events compiled by our Big Data engine. Assistance from AI and expert forecasts will be available to players that want to improve their strategies.


7.5% Private Sale
7.5% PreSale
40% TokenSale
5% Bonus
15% Reserve
20% Founders & Team
0.5% Bounty
3% Advisors


40% Platform Development
17% Tournaments
15% Marketing
13% Legal Support
5% Research
10% Operational Costs
author: damar

ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127C12E